We make sure to understand our clients’ businesses and place a premium on efficiency.

From our perspective, it’s a lot more rewarding to do an excellent job for a select few clients than to do a mediocre job for a lot of clients. We have successfully represented all kinds of companies from start-ups to publicly traded companies and the basic formula is the same:

  1. Take the time to understand our client’s business and space requirements
  2. Educate our clients on market conditions and realistically set their expectations
  3. Preview and photograph the most attractive spaces to thoroughly present the best options
  4. Alert clients whe new space comes available- often before it even hits the market
  5. Negotiate based on our experience with ownership and market conditions
  6. Always be available to act as an advisor for the term of the lease should questions arise

Whether it is a local store or gas station or a shopping mall with big box stores, consumers demand conveniently located commercial offerings. Let’s take a look at the classification of a commercial space, why you should buy a commercial property, and where to find the perfect commercial venture for you.

The Florida commercial real estate market continues to grow as the cities expands to keep up with the growing demand for property. With more housing and condo developments, there is a need for commercial retail and office space throughout each community. Florida commercial property for sale includes a range of offerings from a corner store or plot of land to a hotel or office tower. The Global Alliance team are experts in all commercial property purchases. We make it our business to know what properties are currently on the market as well as the ones that will be listed in the near future. Once you know the type of business you are wanting to start, talk to one of our commercial real estate specialists to help you to narrow down your location and type of property you want to buy. In such a fast-paced market, we are confident we can find you just what you need to get you started on your business venture.